P-05 Information communication technology for libraries Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 37
Issue DateTitleContributor(s)
-M-17 Library automation : definition, need, purpose and advantages-
-M-16 Open source llbrary software and applications-
-M-20 Circulation-
-M-18 Acquisition-
-M-19 Cataloguing-
-M-38 Ethics and prevention cyberspace plagiarism-
-M-37 Crowd sourcing-
-M-05 Understanding modern library standards : MARC 21 and Dublin Core-
-M-04 Application software, System software and Service software-
-M-02 Operating Systems: Concept and Basic Features-
-M-01 Basics of ICT and Functional Units of Computers-
-M-07 Networking: concepts, needs and advantages-
-M-09 Networking techniques, media and devices : switching techniques-circuit switching, packet switching, cell switching; network media-UTP, optical fiber, ethernet, network interface cards, hubs, routers, gateway, modem-
-M14 Web 20 : concept and feature, web 20 tools and services : webcast, webinar, blogs, wikis, online chat, online froms and discussion group, crwod-sourcing-
-M-11 Network protocols : defination, concept, types- TCP/IP, OSI, other protocols : SMTP, Telnet, FTP, HTTP, Z3950 (Harvesting protcols-OAI-PMH, open standards)-
-M-12 Internet : bacgraound, basic services and features, advantages, history and development; WWW domain name, IP address and URL's-
-M-13 Search engines, concepts, type of search engines and Meta search engines, advantages in using search engines-
-M-08 Network security : authentication, firewalls, virus, spyware-
-M-15 Semantic web, invisible web and deep web-
-M-10 Data networks-
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 37


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