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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 37
Issue DateTitleContributor(s)
2024Unit-36 Legacies of the National MovementMisra, Salil
2024Unit-35 Making of the Indian ConstitutionSingh, Jagpal
2024Unit-34 Nationalist Movement and the Communal ProblemMisra, Salil
2024Unit-33 National Movement and its StrategiesMisra, Salil
2024Unit-32 National Movement and the MinoritiesShri Krishan
2024Unit-31 National Movement and the DalitsBasu, Swaraj
2024Unit-30 National Movement and WomenMenon, Visalakshi
2024Unit-29 National Movement and the LandlordsGupta, Amit Kumar
2024Unit-28 National Movement and the Capitalist ClassUpadhyay, S.B.
2024Unit-27 National Movement and the Working ClassUpadhyay, S.B.
2024Unit-26 National Movement and the PeasantryUpadhyay, S.B.
2024Unit-25 Towards Freedom-IIMahajan, Sucheta
2024Unit-24 Towards Freedom-IMahajan, Sucheta
2024Unit-23 Post-War National Upsurge, 1945-47Mahajan, Sucheta
2024Unit-21 Quit India MovementSrimanjari
2024Unit-22 Subhas Chandra Bose and Azad Hind FaujUpadhyay, S.B.
2024Unit-20 Prelude to Quit IndiaSrimanjari
2024Unit-19 Congress MinistriesKumar, Kapil
2024Unit-18 Nationalist Struggles in the Princely StatesNanda, Chandi Prasad
2024Unit-17 The Ideological Spectrum in the 1930sShri Krishan
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 37