Browsing by Contributor Singh, S.K.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 31  next >
Issue DateTitleContributor(s)
2012Block-1 Agriculture and Economic DevelopmentDhingra, I.C.; Singh, S.K.; Prakash, B. S.
2019Block-1 Democratic decentralizationG. Palanithurai; Nehal A. Farooquee; Dhar, V.; Singh, S.K.; Balan, P.P.; Shukla, Praveer; Pattanaik, B.K.; P.V.K. Sasidhar
2023Block-2 Foreign Trade and Export PromotionSingh, S.K.; Kishor, Nawal
2022Block-3 Issues in Indian EconomySagara, Hastimal; Singh, Kamaljeet; Singh, S.K.; Bansal, Rashmi; Parasad, N. Rajendera; Kishor, Nawal
2022Block-3 Marketing StrategyKapoor, Neeru; Singh, S.K.; Jain, Praveen Kumar
2024Block-4 Financial MarketsSingh, S.K.; Kumar, Sant; Banwari, Vijeta
2024Block-5 Financial InstitutionsSingh, S.K.; Banwari, Vijeta
2022Block-5 Sectoral Development-II: Industrial and ServicesSagara, Hastimal; Singh, S.K.; Satyanarayana, S. V.; Kishor, Nawal; Bansal, Rashmi; Parasad, N. Rajendera
2022Block-6 External Sector of Indian EconomySingh, S.K.; Kishor, Nawal; Bansal, Rashmi; Parasad, N. Rajendera
2020Block-6 Labour and EmploymentPrasad, Narayan; Singh, S.K.; Barik, Kaustuva
2024Block-7 Financial StabilityMavi, Jyoti; Kumar, Sant; Tushir, Monika; Singh, S.K.; Banwari, Vijeta; Banwari, Vijeta
2022Unit-10 Balanced Regional GrowthSingh, S.K.
2024Unit-10 Money MarketsSingh, S.K.
2024Unit-11 Capital MarketsSingh, S.K.
2020Unit-12 Start-Up InitiativesSingh, S.K.; Dubey, Arvind Kumar; Sharma, Sonia; Akoijam, Tangjakhombi
2024Unit-14 Commercial BankingSingh, S.K.
2024Unit-15 Non-Banking Financial InstitutionsSingh, S.K.
2022Unit-15 Public and Private SectorSingh, S.K.
2024Unit-16 Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)Singh, S.K.
2024Unit-17 Other Financial Institutions and RegulationsSingh, S.K.