Browsing by Contributor Sen, Rekha S.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 23  next >
Issue DateTitleContributor(s)
-Block-1 Introduction to child care and developmentSen, Rekha S.; Ananadalakshmy, S.; Chadha, Neeraj
-Block-2 The Child : Development in the First Twelve Month'sChaudhary, Nandita; Sharma, Neerja; Ananadalakshmy, S.; Sen, Rekha S.; Chadha, Neerja
-Block-3 The child : development during toddlerhoodSriram, Rajlakshmi; Kashyap, Meenakshi; Sen, Rekha S.; Mistry, Veena; Ananadalakshmy, S.; Sen, Rekha S.; Chadha, Neerja
-Block-4 The child : development during preschool yearsTuli, Mila; Sen, Rekha S.; Kashyap, Meenakshi; Ananadalakshmy, S.; Chadha, Neeraj
-Block-5 Play activities for preschoolers-ISen, Rekha S.; Khosla, Renu; Kashyap, Meenakshi; Anandalakshmi, S.; Chadha, Neeraj
-Block-6 play activities for preschoolers-IISen, Rekha S.; Miya, Girija M.; Joshi, Priti; Singh, Asha; Ananadalakshmy, S.
2018CNCC-2 Practical ManualSen, Rekha S.; Sharma, Neerja; Kashyap, Meenakshi; Chaudhary, Nandita; Chadha, Neerja
-Unit-1 The experience of childhoodSen, Rekha S.
-Unit-13 Cognitive development : towards mental representation and Symbolic thinkingSriram, Rajlakshmi; Sen, Rekha S.
-Unit-14 Language development : from word to sentencesSriram, Rajlakshmi; Sen, Rekha S.
-Unit-15 Socio-emotional development : expanding relationships and the emerging selfMistry, Veena; Sen, Rekha S.
-UNit-18 Developing cognitive abilities and understating conceptsSen, Rekha S.
-Unit-2 Basic concept in child developmentSen, Rekha S.
-Unit-20 Social relationship and child rearingSen, Rekha S.
-Unit-21 Play activities for movement and mobilitySen, Rekha S.
-Unit-22 Exploring the environmentSen, Rekha S.
-Unit-23 Play activities of developing cognitive abilities and some conceptsSen, Rekha S.
-Unit-25 Fantasy, story telling and dramatic playSen, Rekha S.
-Unit-26 Art for childrenGirija M. Miya; Joshi, Priti; Sen, Rekha S.
-Unit-27 Rhythm : music and movementSingh, Asha; Sen, Rekha S.; Chadha, Neerja