Browsing by Contributor Mishra, Meenal

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Issue DateTitleContributor(s)
2019BGYCL- 134 Crystallography, Mineralogy and Economic Geology : LaboratoryNishi Rani; Verma, Omkar; Gogoi, Kakoli; Mishra, Meenal; Deshmukh, Benidhar
2020BGYCL-136 Petrology: LaboratoryTiwari, R. N.; Mishra, Meenal; Prakash, Divya; Verma, Omkar; Gogoi, Kakoli
2021BGYEL-142 Ore Geology and Industrial Minerals: LaboratoryMishra, Meenal; Gogoi, Kakoli; Prashanth, M.
2019Block-1 Crystallography and MineralogyMishra, Meenal; Deshmukh, Benidhar
2021Block-1 Earth ProcessesKaur, Gurmeet; Chaudhri, A. R.; Mishra, Meenal; Baskar, Sushmitha
2024Block-1 Geosciences ApplicationsSrivastava, Vaibhava; Gogoi, Kakoli; Mishra, Meenal
2023Block-1 Global Navigation Satellite SystemS. Thirumaran; Gogoi, Kakoli; M. Prashanth; Mishra, Meenal
2020Block-1 Igneous Petrology- IMishra, Meenal; Gogoi, Kakoli
2012Block-1 Overview of GeoinformaticsMurali, O. M.; Deshmukh, Benidhar; Gogoi, Kakoli; Mishra, Meenal
2024Block-1 Remote Sensing of Earth Surface FeaturesShah, Dharmendra G.; Reshmi Devi T. V.; V. Sivakumar; Nikhil Lele; Chatterjee, Sourish; Mishra, Meenal; R. Baskar
2024Block-2 Applications in Natural ResourcesSunil L. Londhe; Manish P. Kale; Deshmukh, Benidhar; Mishra, Meenal; Baskar, R.
2017Block-2 Concept of Geospatial DataKumar, Narayana; Mishra, Meenal; Raju, K. N. Prudhvi; Pillai, Biju C.; Murali, O. M.
2023Block-2 Fundamentals of Geographic Information systemRao, K. Nageswara; Murali, O. M.; M. Prashanth; Mishra, Meenal
2020Block-2 Igneous Petrology- IIHari, K. R.; Srivastava, Pankaj K.; Gogoi, Kakoli; Mishra, Meenal
2024Block-2 Inland Water and Soil Related ApplicationsRoopa D.; Reshmi Devi T. V.; Patil, Shivaji G.; V. Sivakumar; Gogoi, Kakoli; Mishra, Meenal
2019Block-2 MineralogyMishra, Meenal; Deshmukh, Benidhar
2017Block-2 Sensors and Space ProgrammesPrashanth, M.; Gogoi, Kakoli; Mishra, Meenal; Verma, Omkar
2023Block-2 Sensors and Space ProgrammesM. Prashanth; Mishra, Meenal; K.N. Prudhvi Raju; Gogoi, Kakoli; Verma, Omkar
2020Block-2 Stratigraphy of IndiaJain, Sreepat; Verma, Omkar; Mishra, Meenal; Parmar, Varun; Gogoi, Kakoli
2024Block-3 Coastal / Marine ApplicationsShah, Dharmendra G.; Khare, Shreestuti S.; Ramakrishnan, Ratheesh; Sahay, Arvind; Gogoi, Kakoli; Mishra, Meenal